RINOs, Traitorous, Sickening, liberal, whining, unscrupulous, underhanded, mealy-mouthed, Republicans in name only.

If You Dream

Friday, January 30, 2009


Mr. Obama,
My last post was a simple explanation of your only role in the government everyone presumes you run. However, the truth is becoming all too clear much more quickly than even I thought it would, (and I KNEW it would,) isn't it?
In the past week, you have provided more evidence for my analysis than I ever dreamed possible. The least you might have done is be a little less blatant about it, but you, being the "smartest man to ever assume the presidency," don't seem quite smart enough to cover who you really are and what you have always been...a common street thug who, when given the opportunity to actually be something more, (even if it's just for appearances,) just can't hide the spots you wear on your back or leave your thuggishness behind.
Like many of the hip-hop celebrities, money, and/or position, only makes them glow in the dark and highlights their lack of self-control. Their excesses are on a worldwide stage for everyone to see...and hear. Instead of acting with some kind of dignity, they have just moved their ill manners and thuggery into better digs. They remain who they are, trouble walking...with a bit more money and a lot of notoriety.
And thus you come to us, a street thug, disguised as a statesman, a messiah, a president, when in reality, you are a stupid, corrupt Chicago politician who could not hide his eagerness to defile the Whitehouse for even a day.
Your handlers offered you a golden cup from which you eagerly gorged yourself on, but I wonder how long it will be before even they say enough. You are already out of control. Only the most psyched-out freaks who actually believe you are something will continue to believe you are anything.
Anyone with neurons firing on the merest rudimentary basis cannot help but see you are not even just a faker in an empty suit. You are an empty shell. Narcissistic, greedy, and stupid are only a few of the adjectives that describe you. Your gluttony for the spotlight and highlife will consume you. Unfortunately, it might consume us as well.
At this particular moment, there isn't enough time for all the links and photos that illustrate what you are, so I'll update it later. But suffice it to say, that you tell us we must freeze, while firing up the heat for yourself. You serve up $120.00 per pound steaks at a party while self-righteously calling corporate CEOs shameful... Oh, my Lord, Mr. O. You make me gag.
In the meantime, party on, dude, while you can.
You are a stench on the fabric of this country, Mr. O. History will record your excesses and antics and we will not forgive you. We will watch your arrogant swagger and your condescending attitude and hear the lies dripping like honey from your wretched mouth, and we will not forgive you. Not for what you are, and not for the damage that your pretender throne has already done and will continue to do.
Obama slams Wall Street over bonuses...
'Height of irresponsibility'...
You can fool some of the people.....(and THIS is just the small stuff.)