Jack Murtha-Pennsylvania Poison
"If ever the animal kingdom had a member with "asshole" encoded innately into its genetic structure, that animal would be the deer fly. More than any other insect, these bastards will actively seek out people to chew on. Deer flies are attracted to human flesh like psychopaths to Scientology."
"If you've never felt it before, a deer fly bite is about as comfortable as a vascetomy performed with a rusty butterknife by a drunken carnival ride operator. For any readers who are testicularly-impaired, that's bad."
Quotes above attributed to "Brad." (N0t Pitt...)
However, if this is not a perfect description of the prick and run tactics of John Murtha, I don't know what is.
Now they say only the females suck blood, but mutations have been known to happen. One broken allele and whap. Something changes.
For those who haven't had much experience with deer flies, these critters are kamikazees that divebomb human beings and draw blood before you even know you've been hit.
And so it is with backshooter from the backroom, Democrat scumbag, Johnny Pat Murtha. By the time you realize you have been "pricked" by Abscam Jack,your blood is already flowing. In order to react fast enough, it has to be BEFORE you enter deerfly airspace.
We can no longer fall prey to the too often misused tactic of calling one's self a war hero because all that glitters does not a hero make, and no one knows this better than the corrupt politicians, D AND R, who use this tactic only to prove to us over and over again that they dishonor those whom we honor and devalue everything we hold dear...including The Constitution.
It is a most outrageous insult to call for the executions of seven Marines and a Navy Corpsman being held in solitary confinement in the Brig in Camp Pendleton shackled from waists to feet, without being charged with any crime, while everything Murtha claims to be is a self-perpetuated fantasy, a sham to get himself into office.
Jean Schmidt deserves the medals you have CLAIMED for telling you to your face in front of the world what we all know. Cowards cut and run. Marines never do.
It is increasingly obvious that being sideswiped by the mendacious Murtha hits hard at our very core values and sends us running for duct tape tournequets to stop the hemorrhaging. Anything within the man that might once have resembled honor, if indeed there ever was any, which is questionable at best, has given way to the bitter bile of filthy, disgusting, raw politics with no sense of conscience.
There has not even been a backward glance at the unfathomable damage done to our finest homegrown patriots who are still in harm's way; no sleepless nights for the man whose words and actions have increased their danger levels exponentially; whose lofty pronouncements are made with every intention of destroying the morale of our own brothers and sisters, mother and fathers, and friends in myriad untold ways; no passing thought to those already wounded or those who will be whose blood, more probably than not, drips invisibly from his fingers.
How DARE this self-vaunted, supposed hero take a public position calling for the EXECUTION of US Marines before an investigation is complete, charges have been filed, a courts martial conducted, and no verdict brought?
How dare he call himself a "former" Marine? There is no such thing. There are Marines and EX Marines. HE is an EX Faux-Marine...period.
These POWs are the men and women whose TRUE bravery and patriotism gave YOU the freedom to enhance the odds they will die because YOU are free. YOU are the one who should be shackled and charged with cold-blooded murder because you are surely responsible for deaths every time you show your two faces, both of which are deceptive in the extreme.
PA Poison-Copperhead in Camo
PA Poison-Murtha in Camo
Listen up! Murtha was more than happy to advise Bill Clinton on how to destroy the entire infrastructure of Yugoslavia, an enduring ally, to protect Muslim terrorists, (KLA,) knowing that the claims of widespread genocide against the Al Qaeda backed druglords and warlords was rendered by Clintonista propaganda.
When Democrats Smile Big...
When you aid and abet the enemy, you are an enemy. Jack Murtha, I am an American, and YOU are my enemy.
They Lie Big
I once told him I would prefer to vote for a scorpion knowing it was a scorpion, than for a craven, whining, corrupt politician who cares more about the seat in which it sits than the people he was elected to serve. I am tired of seeing his brown nose stuck up Nancy Pelosi's skirt gleefully adding up the American body count.
Venomous Devil in Full Metal Jacket
We do not want this shadow of a man representing us. I do not want to see or hear his ugliness pasted all over the Islamic world and our own marxist-affiliated mainstream media giving our sworn enemies additional reasons to pillage and murder more innocent civilians with more barbarbarism and brutality than any AMERICAN force in the history of the world could even begin to imagine.
YOU, Murtha, diminish us. You have been reduced to nothing more than Nancy Pelosi's toilet paper for the rest of your unworthy life and you should be in jail along with the rest of your fellow travelers. Firing Squads for treason should be reinstated and every damn last one of you traitorous bastards should face one...over and over and over for what you have done to this nation.
Marine Corps Motto: (excerpt from Warrior Culture of the U.S. Marines, copyright 2001 Marion F. Sturkey)
The Marine Corps adopted Semper Fidelis as its official motto in 1883 (Semper Fidelis is also the title of the official musical March of the Marine Corps). Translated from Latin, Semper Fidelis means "Always Faithful." U.S. Marines use an abbreviated verbal version, "Semper Fi," to voice loyalty and commitment to their Marine comrades-in-arms. Previous mottos of the Marine Corps were (1) To the Shores of Tripoli, adopted in 1805; (2) Fortitude, adopted in 1812; (3) From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli, adopted in 1848; and (4) By Sea and by Land, adopted in the 1850's.
You have either forgotten or it never meant anything to you but a phoney medal and a vote. Jack Murtha, you were never fit to wear the uniform. You were never fit to run for high office. You were a loser then, and this time, your loss will be complete. You will NEVER be Majority Leader from MY DISTRICT if there is any justice whatever left on this earth.
Say goodbye, Jack,
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