You have to know that I am watching this drama over the Supreme Court nomination almost not daring to take a breath. Everywhere I turn, the name, Alberto Gonzales, is thrown out there because, they say, he is George Bush's friend.
I'm sorry, but that cannot, and should not, EVER be a reason to nominate such a shakey candidate to the highest court in the land. Especially when it already seems to have lost most of its original intent with a series of the most devastating rulings ever handed forth in such a short period of time.
The fear in the hearts of the real power brokers in this country have forced them to do as much damage as quickly as they could before the president ever got the chance to set the court back on a Constitutional path and they think our backs are against the wall now.
Something happened on the way to these obscene rulings. The Minuteman Project happened. This project was not seen as a threat when it began. They labeled them, as leftist agitprop usually does, as a few redneck troublemakers. Clinton perfected that technique and got away with it. No real grassroots movement ever got past the Clinton warroom strategy.
But here we had young and old, black and white, Hispanics, Christians, and Jews, men and women and children, militias and, dare I say it, even skinheads and Nazis JOINED in a common PROTECT and DEFEND AMERICA.
This is exactly why the clintonistas divided us into minimalist groups speaking in so many different tongues for perceived wrongs that never really existed until the Clinton Administration and the ACLU SAID they did. Enter Ginsberg, a REAL manly woman with hair on her legs thicker than King Kong's. Fomenting hate across the land was their power and they turned it into an artform with the help of too many willing RINOS and race pimps in their goody bags.
One of those racially charged groups was La Raza. We all know their slogan.
"For those within 'the race,' everything; for those outside 'the race,' nothing."
The National Council of LaRaza confirms that Alberto Gonzales is one of their members. Not simply *one of their members,* but held a rather high office in their ranks.
Jesus Lopez, who immigrated legally to the United States, resents the agenda being pushed by groups like La Raza. He's also upset that a possible Attorney General like Gonzales would associate with what Lopez calls "racist organizations who want to take back the borders states through invasion, promote open borders, voting for illegal aliens, driver's licenses for illegal aliens and an official proclamation of sorts for their own culture."
Lopez said he and his family had to wait their turn to legally enter the United States and they are proud to be Americans first and says organizations like La Raza don't want to promote harmony but are militant.
NCLR backed Gonzales not just because he is Hispanic, but because of his record in Texas as a secretary of state and counsel to then-Gov. George W. Bush.
It was Bush, and his counsel Gonzales, who halted any initiative similar to California's Proposition 187 to deny children of illegal immigrants state-paid education and health benefits.
"Gov. Bush stopped it cold in Texas, and Alberto Gonzales had a role in that," said Lisa Navarrete, an NCLR spokeswoman.
Gonzales was the governor's counsel when Bush opposed measures to end affirmative action and bilingual education in Texas and supported measures to increase educational opportunities for English-language learners, Navarrete said.
Now, you *stupid* rednecks, that is YOUR tax money. It's YOUR kids who fall behind while so many others are pretending to catch up. It's YOU who might well lose your job if you don't speak Spanish in America. You see the ads in the classifieds. If you smoke, don't show up. If you're fat, don't show up unless you're Hispanic. If you don't speak Spanish....well, kill yourself now because you are being bankrupted anyway.
(With tongue firmly planted in cheek lest I offend the *religion of peace,* you don't have to kill yourself. They will gladly do it for you AFTER they cross the Rio Grande using Vincente's guidebook.)
Gonzales has not stepped away from his loyalty to La Raza even as Attorney General.
He has never condemned the bare racism exposed in their slogan, which to my mind, puts him on the same level as the Islamic Cleric, or a Louis Farakhan, who speaks softly of peace in public but spends the time with his people fomenting ways to force a takeover, piece by piece in exacly the same way. The rest of the time is spent making excuses or ridiculous accusations of racism to force their radical views on an America which simply wanted to live and let live. They speak eloquently of THEIR civil rights, but for us, nothing.
Washington, DC – U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales will address participants at the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) 2005 Capital Awards on Tuesday, March 8 at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC. The gala begins with a reception at 5:30 p.m., which is followed by the awards program and dinner at 6:30 p.m. This is the Attorney General’s first major address to a national Latino audience since his confirmation last month.
NCLR President and CEO Janet Murguia will also address the more than 800 persons who are expected to attend this year’s event honoring Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT) and Representative Chris Cannon (R-UT) for their work in Congress on behalf of the Latino community on issues such as education, immigration, and health care.---
Remarks of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
National Council of La Raza (NCLR) Capital Awards
March 8, 2005
Thank you Janet.
It's a pleasure to be here tonight, among friends. I want to thank President Murguia and the Board of Directors for the opportunity to be here.
Janet and I have a lot in common these days. We have both recently been promoted.
We've both been given the opportunity to lead distinguished institutions. We are among the lucky few who have the challenge and the privilege of seeking justice for the wronged, giving voice to the voiceless, and securing a future of opportunity and hope for our people and for the nation.
That's not bad work if you can get it.
Just three weeks ago, at my swearing-in ceremony at the Department of Justice, I had many people to thank but little time to thank them. So I wisely limited myself to the people who were up on the stage with me: my mom, my wife, and the President of the United States.
But I also have this organization to thank for its support of my nomination as Attorney General. Over the years, La Raza and the Bush Administration have not always agreed on every issue. But we have stood together firmly in our commitment to widening and deepening opportunities for Hispanic-Americans. I am humbled and grateful to stand on the shoulders of groups like La Raza. And the future I see from this vantage point is filled with even higher vistas of accomplishment and opportunity. I see a future that fulfills the dreams of a great people and the promise of a great nation.
Tonight the National Council of La Raza honors those who are building this future.
Senator Chris Dodd and Congressman Chris Cannon are statesmen in the purist sense of the word. They don't share our heritage, but they share our values. ---
Uh...Chris Dodd???
We threw open our doors and our hearts fervently wanting to believe that these, or any other, latecomers wanted to love this country as much as we did. That has not been true since WWII, and the underground war has grown exponentially since Vietnam with the introduction of Mao through VVAW, John Kerry, Jane Fonda and the ponytail set on our colleges where these completely insane groups make no pretense of trying to hide their hatred of us stupid American *rednecks.*
We are not Mexicans OR Arabs. Though we are of many ethnicities, WE ARE AMERICANS!
When they come, it should NOT be *THE RACE.* It should be America for Americans. If it ain't to their liking, they should find themselves a deserted island somewhere and off themselves.
As a Supreme Court Justice, Gonzales will most assuredly vote to allow the continuation of exterminating babies.
The Geneva convention doesn't apply to terrorists. I guess in some sick, disgusting, illogical Ginsbergian world, crying little beasties incapable of feeding themselves or changing their own diapers certainly wouldn't know what to do with Orange Glazed Chicken and probably couldn't pronounce *Pilaf* ARE the REAL terrorists so off with them. Such a massive inconvenience oh, don't they they allow serial killers to roam the streets and 17 year olds to commit the most heinous crimes imaginable, yet, oh, my Lord!!! They're CHILDREN!
But I digress.
He will be deciding issues relating to immigration, property, and our civil rights, and his views are those of his mentors.
George Bush calls him a friend, but I have watched George Bush's friends, who were really his father's friends, including his own father, stab him in the back repeatedly. It seems to me that misplaced loyalty can only kick your ass and the more you present it, the more whuppins await you.
EVERYTHING this country has ever stood for is at stake in this, and one other probable appointment.
I will judge Bush's entire legacy on this appointee because if he chooses wrongly, in the end, no matter what has gone before, this country will lose itself completely and the past 229 years will end with some freak burning the Stars and Stripes and triumphantly pronouncing from loudspeakers that America is dead.
Oh. Do I sound racist or a tad bigoted? Little old Evil Conservative me? Sorry. It really won't work with me. I'm the minorities' minoritiest minority no matter which minority you choose. Yes. I'm THAT good...and THAT angry.
John Amnesty McCain
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